Kim Chi Bacon & Spam Fried Rice

Kim chi is definitely one of the staples in our house and this is probably one of my favourite fried rice dishes to make.

1. Because it takes barely anytime to prep.

2. Its full of flavour and just so good!


1 Can of Spam

1 Package of Bacon

1-2 cups of Kim Chi with some Kim Chi juice (add as much or little as you like!)

3 cups of cooked rice (Day old)

1 Tbsp Sesame Oil

3-4 Stalks of Green Onion chopped

Egg (optional)

Haute Chili Oil



1. Slice the Spam into 8 pieces and pan fry using a large pan on medium heat until crisp on both sides and set aside.

2. Pan fry the Bacon until done to your liking and set aside. 

3. Turn off the heat and using a paper towel remove most of the bacon fat from the pan, leaving about 2-3 Tbsps in the pan.

4. Turn back the heat to medium then add in your Kim Chi and Cooked Rice into the pan and mix it all up until combined.

5. Once all combined add in the Sesame Oil and mix it up.

6. Now you're going to cut up the Spam and Bacon into pieces and add that in along with your chopped Green Onions stir it up and set aside.

7. Fry up an egg sunny side up and place it on top of your bowl of Kim Chi Bacon and Spam fried rice. Then top it all off with Haute Chili Oil and Enjoy!







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